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Customer Testimonials

"When our service provider, RGV, upgraded our internet service from DSL to RANA fiber, we increased our internet speeds more than 500%, and our bill DECREASED each month. Everything at our company runs on broadband: internet, phones, company apps and cloud storage. Uptime is critical for us, and on RANA it has been excellent."
--- Dick Emrey, Partner | Emrey & Amonette, LLC

"Using one of the RANA service providers, we got 40 times the speed at 20% of the cost of our phone company's "high speed" line. Our users are very happy with the new speed and our CFO is extremely pleased with the new price level!"
--- Steven Wray, CIO | CornerStone Bank

"Thanks to RANA I can operate my video production business from Lexington. We are now able to webcast in Hi Definition, upload huge HD video files to customer websites and collaborate with real time telepresence."
--- Bic Hauser, President | HTV360

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| - Blue Ridge Internetworks  - | -  Rockbridge Global Village - |